What Do You Want to Do With Your Life?

What do you want to do with your life? It’s a question almost everyone asks themselves. It’s also a question I don’t believe you should bother asking in the first place.

“I don’t know what I want to do in life, all I know is that it isn’t this.”

That was the sentiment a friend reflected to me. She’s in her mid-twenties, smart, savvy and hard working. But she is still stuck working jobs that don’t hover much beyond minimum wage. Every year, she tells me, that she applies for Universities, but never goes through with it. Why? Because she can’t answer that question.

Passion Evolves

I worry a lot of people fall into the same trap. The trap of believing that they need to make big life decisions before they can start doing anything. The trap that you need to be born with a passion. And the lie that being able to combine your interests with a profession is easy.

When people ask me what I’m going to be doing in five or ten years, I usually tell them I’m going to be an entrepreneur. “Oh. What’s your business going to be?” I have reason to believe this internet business could be it. Between revenues and freelance work I’m expecting to make about ten thousand dollars this year. Concentrated effort for the next four or five years could definitely make this a livable income.

But I don’t usually say that. Because it isn’t the point. In all honesty, I have no idea where I am going to be in a decade. My track record shows that my passions have evolved considerably, even over the last couple years.

Ben Casnocha, the 19-year old CEO of Comcate, shows how his passion didn’t start with a flash of insight, in the book My Start Up Life:

“It didn’t start with a dream. It didn’t start with in a garage. It didn’t even start with an innovative epiphany, which are perhaps entrepreneurs’ most overplayed recollections.” He continues, relating the story of Jerry Kaplan’s epiphany moment in Kaplan’s book, Start Up. To which Ben adds, “I wish my epiphany were as primal. It wasn’t, and most aren’t.” [emphasis mine]

As Ben shares his story of being a teenage CEO, it becomes clear that his passion evolved. There were interests in entrepreneurship and making a difference. But from these interests, he made smaller steps, each building a passion. I don’t believe his journey ever started with deciding what he wanted to do with his life.

Replace Decision with Curiosity

Instead of making definite decisions about a career path, I believe you should get curious. Get curious about the way the world works. Notice your own interests and find small ways you can exercise passion in something. Even if you can’t find a way to make money off of it yet.

The bridge from passion to money-maker can’t be made hastily. Interests often get discarded because they cannot be immediately relayed into a source of income. And therefore aren’t as important as work that does.

Blogging is a great example. I know many bloggers who want to go pro. They want to take the interest they have and turn it into a passionate source of income. But blogging isn’t easy. Even the most rapid successes I’ve seen, took over a year before the author could claim blogging as more than a hobby. And those were due to writing talent, luck and an incredible amount of work.

Patience is a necessary ingredient in evolving a passion. But even more, you need to be open to other possibilities.

Interest to Income Isn’t a Straight Path

80% of new businesses fail in the first five years. But more interesting, is that of the 20% that succeeded, most didn’t do so in the way they had expected to.

Before setting up his immensely popular website, Steve Pavlina believed he would make most his revenue through products and workshops. But close to five years later, he makes all of it from advertising and affiliate sales. A revenue prospect he downplayed when making his business plan.

Similarly, I don’t believe that most people’s passions follow a straight path. Scott Adams began with a degree in economics and a position in a bank and now he is the successful cartoonist who created Dilbert.

Seven Steps to Evolving a Passion… and Making it Work

Step One – Gather Sparks of Curiosity

Don’t have an inferno of passion driving your actions yet? Don’t worry about it. Most people I know don’t. And if you are under thirty, you are probably in the overwhelming majority.

The first steps is to simply invest your energy into whims. Those little sparks of interest where you don’t know enough to make them a passion. Ben Casnocha calls this seeking randomness. For me, it has been a process of finding my intuition and using it to make small investments in things that are potentially interesting.

This means reading different books, taking on different activities and meeting different people. Broad associations gives a lot of chances to stumble on a passion that can work.

Step Two: Fan the Flames of Interest

After exposing yourself to a lot of randomness, you need to cultivate the successes. Build upon the little sparks of interest that come by your life. If you read a book about physics and like the subject, try taking a physics class. If you enjoy some basic programming try a small software project.

Step Three: Cut Out Distractions

Cultivating whims and exploring new passions requires time. One of the reasons I’ve placed such an emphasis on productivity with myself, is that without it I couldn’t explore these options.

If your interests are genuine and worth exploring, it shouldn’t be too difficult to eliminate the non-essentials. Distractions such as television, excess internet usage and video games only take a bit of conditioning to free up. The hard part is reallocating time you don’t believe is yours.

Step Four: Living Minimally

If you already have a job you aren’t passionate about, work only as much as you need to keep going. Valid passions need time to grow into income generating skills.

I don’t suggest becoming a starving artist and racking up huge debts. But avoid expanding your life to fit a bigger and bigger paycheck if you aren’t living your passion. Otherwise you simply trap yourself into a life that is comfortable, but otherwise dead.

Leo Babauta, author of ZenHabits is a great example of this. With six kids, freelancing work and another job to help support his family he found ways to cut expenses and focus on his passion. His website has quickly grown to become incredibly popular, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a stable source of income for him in a few years. Live minimally, and avoid getting trapped into a comfortable, but unsatisfying, life.

Step Five: Make a Passion that Creates Value

If you have a skill that creates social value, you can make money through almost any medium. Monetizing a passion takes skill, as any entrepreneur can tell you, but without providing legitimate value it is impossible.

You need to transform your developing passions into a skill that can fill human needs. Some passions are easy to translate. An interest in computers could allow you to become a software designer. Others are more difficult. A passion for poetry, may be more difficult to meet a specific human need.

Step Six: Find a Way to Monetize That Value

Once you have the ability to create social value, you need to turn that into a repeatable process for gaining income. This could be in the form of a job. As a programmer you could get hired by Google. Or, it could lead to becoming a freelancer or an entrepreneur.

Monetizing value isn’t easy. It requires that you learn how to market, sell yourself, and find ways to connect human needs. Whether you intend to work in a job or own a business makes no difference. You are the CEO of your life, so you need to know how to connect your passions with serving other people.

Step Seven: Go Back to Step One

Describing this process in steps is misleading. It implies that there is a destination. There is no destination. The process of following whims, cultivating passions, turning them into valuable skills and then finally earning revenue from them is lifelong. I have some passions that are in steps one and two. This blog is in the midst of step six. In ten years I may have gone through them all with a completely different passion.

Not all your passions will or can finish the sixth step. But as persistent as the myth you need to decide what you want to do with your life, is the myth you can only have one passion. I’m at a point where cultivating passions has meant I have too many options. Too many possible paths that could lead to enjoyable and fulfilling careers. Don’t obsess over one failed attempt.

What do you want to do with your life?

Your life doesn’t need to go through a predictable story arc. It doesn’t have to start with a dream, follow through hard work and end up in a nice home with four bedrooms. Instead it can twist and travel. You don’t have to know the final answer, you just need to act on the next step.

This article is also available in Italian, thanks to Paolo Marintano!

Continue reading

Steve Jobs: “How to Live Before You Die” (2005)

Considering the YouTube video of Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford commencement speech has 24 million views (not counting the 10 million+ additional views from duplicate uploads), it’s likely that you’ve seen this one already. In the speech, Jobs plays on two themes: connecting the dots (anecdote: how taking a calligraphy class helped inspire the design of the Mac) and love & loss (anecdote: how getting fired from Apple helped inspire his greatest innovations). Perhaps the most memorable part his speech comes at the end, when he quotes the (now-famous) lines from the final issue of his favorite publication, The Whole Earth Catalog:

Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”


The Difference Between Living Life And Not

The Difference Between Living Life And Not

Not everyone has passion. Not everyone is moved emotionally by what they do. And, that’s extremely unfortunate. But fortunately, you are not like everyone else.

The winning organizations in every industry are filled with passionate, vocal, active people (also, we have more fun doing what we do). To us, it isn’t even really ‘work’ in the sense that it flows naturally and feels more like creative freedom.

I think that truly passionate people are not understood by much of the world.I’ll give you one example:I don’t watch TV anymore.I tell people this, and it feels like many of them mentally file me in a category of being weird or socially deviant.Most people cannot fathom a world without television.

This is unfortunate, and altogether sad. We are at such an incredible turning point in society, and the world is changing for the better due to people with passion. Think about this:

From Clay Shirky:

If you take Wikipedia as a kind of unit, all of Wikipedia, the whole project–every page, every edit, every talk page, every line of code, in every language that Wikipedia exists in–that represents something like the cumulation of 100 million hours of human thought. I worked this out with Martin Wattenberg at IBM; it’s a back-of-the-envelope calculation, but it’s the right order of magnitude, about 100 million hours of thought.

And television watching? Two hundred billion hours, in the U.S. alone, every year. Put another way, now that we have a unit, that’s 2,000 Wikipedia projects a year spent watching television. Or put still another way, in the U.S., we spend 100 million hours every weekend, just watching the ads. This is a pretty big surplus. People asking, “Where do they find the time?” when they’re looking at things like Wikipedia don’t understand how tiny that entire project is, as a carve-out of this asset that’s finally being dragged into what Tim calls an architecture of participation.

The world is shifting, and where before intellectuals used to be isolated and work on projects in a vacuum, now new social tools are allowing them to work together on deep projects that benefit everyone.Imagine, a group of complete strangers working together to create something incredible, inspiring and useful – all for free, and all due to pure internal motivation and desire to help the world.

Are you a part of a global project like Wikipedia?Or, global conversations about what you do professionally or are interested in personally?If not, you should be – the tools exist to interact with fantastic minds in our world, learn from them, and get better results and get inspiration for whatever you are doing.

Sorry if you’re a TV watcher, but if you watch even more than a tiny amount, it is a waste of life.I don’t mean to offend you, but really think about it:you are given a fleeting amount of time to physically exist on this planet and do something to change things for the better, and then you are gone.By watching TV for endless hours, you’re squandering life, the most previous gift there is.

image credit: hamed saber via flickr

By watching TV you make the ultimate sacrifice – you could be reading, writing, making art, or actually interacting with your friends, family and other professionals in your industry. Would you rather look back at a life spent passively absorbing nonsense, or one spent changing the world for the better and creating what inspires you. The choice is obvious.

I feel like most of you here don’t waste your life passively, so this post isn’t really for you.You’re already motivated and inspired.Forward this to a friend who isn’t.

Here’s what too many in society do:

  • Get up in the morning
  • Work, thinking inside the lines the entire day
  • Come home
  • Watch TV
  • Sleep

It is an altogether unremarkable existence.And, those people probably produce ultimately unremarkable results and lead average lives.

If you wake up in the morning and aren’t inspired every day to throw yourself into your work and life with 100% passion, you’re not living it. I don’t understand how someone can live even one day like this.

Perhaps they’re in the wrong field, or have lost that creative spark.But regardless, there is no other way for truly intelligent people to live other than taking an active, passionate role in life and pouring their soul into something that inspires them.

The planet is billions of years old, and your lifespan is merely a cosmic blink. There’s not a day to waste.

True Love Exists

Someone asked me a question today and It really touched me, I thought about it for a very long time. 

 ” Does true love exists?”

I sighed, I’ve heard a lot of people of people debating on this same topic. In fact I’ve heard more people say No than Yes. That’s not my concern though, I thought about it, thought about my family, my friends, my business associates, my colleagues and myself. Then I answered, if I say Yes, you’ll ask me why and if I say No, you’ll ask me why. She nodded positively. Then I said Yes, and the reason is because when I look back at all the things God as done for me, only true love can make that happen, when I sit and count the good things he has done for me, when I count the number of times I’ve slept and woken up, when I check my age, when I look at the number of times I’ve gone out and I came back successfully, only True Love can do that.

When I love at the Wonderful parents God gave me, when I look at the love that exists between them, when I look at the love they’ve shown each other over the years, when I look at the love thyme show me as a child, common only True Love can do that.

Then I look at myself, wow, I look at who I was, who I am, who I’m becoming, who I’m going to be, I’m a product of True Love. I look at my relationships- with friends and all, I look at the love I show, I look at the things I do, I look at the way I operate, I look at the way I’m inspired, I look at the way I’m mentored, I look at the way I’m motivated, I look at the way I love, this is nothing but a prove of True Love.
Then just because guys, men, women, and ladies broke your heart you claim there’s nothing like True Love. Check it out, 95% of those who claim true love doesn’t exist are those who were cheated on- husband/wife, fiancé/fiancée, boyfriend/girlfriend. Lol, wake up, read this, understand this and pick yourself up. There are too many people who love you than for you to sit and claim True Love doesn’t exist. God loves you more than you can ever imagine, my bible tells me, “If God be for me, who can be against me?” . Then you’re there cheating on that responsible young man because you think true love doesn’t exist, or you’re cheating on that beautiful lady, or you’re even cheating on God almighty.
Wake up each day, look in the mirror, tell that beautiful being you see, tell that wonderful creature:

God Loves me above every other thing

My parents loves me(dead/alive).

My heart loves me

I might be heart broken by whoever it maybe, but what Love can surpass that of God.

Even if no one loves me, God loves me

I’m a product of love 

I’m a dream of love come true

I’m that one person God won’t give up on

No matter how hard it may be, no matter how tough life is, no matter how hard you’re heart broken.

Pick up the pieces left.

It’s not about preaching here, it’s not about religion.

There’s always someone out there that needs to be loved.

We can’t all love them but God can.

Don’t go a day without telling someone ” God Loves You and True Love Exists”


Oho John Eloho 

Twitter: @elohooho
Stay tuned, I’ve got more topics coming.

Our mentality must change.

Blacks are to be smart.



Positioning Yourself For Success



I want to formally Congratulate all of you reading this article because you are ALIVE to see another year— an important year in the advancement of the INFORMATION AGE.

2017 brought with it an enormous amount of opportunities that could bring personal and national progress and transformation but ONLY THOSE WHO HAVE RAN AHEAD OF TIME CAN SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITIES 2017 BROUGHT. I will like to share a story that is familiar to all Christians—if you not a Christian, just read on because the story contains AMAZING lessons.

JESUS entered JERICHO and he made his way through the town. THE CROWD was EXCITED as they followed JESUS AND HIS DISCIPLES. Some of them discussed the miracles he had done in other towns and only wished if JESUS could perform some here so they could see it live. Others just criticized his ministry and just followed to see what he would do in JERICHO.

A certain YOUNG RICH MAN named ZACCHAEUS, who was the CHIEF TAX COLLECTOR IN THE REGION, tried to SEE JESUS but he just couldn’t because he was too short to see over the crowd and after series of trial, he gave up on the OLD STRATEGY and tried to THINK and within a short time, A WIND OF IDEA blew into his MIND.

He decided to RUN AHEAD OF TIME and CLIMBED A SYCAMORE-FIG TREE BESIDE THE ROAD, for JESUS was going to pass that way. When JESUS got to the tree area, HE LOOKED UP AT ZACCHAEUS AND CALLED “ZACCHAEUS, QUICKLY COME DOWN! I MUST BE A GUEST IN YOUR HOUSE TODAY”… (this story was taken from LK.1:1-6).

That was so unfair… LIFE IS UNFAIR TO THOSE WHO ARE FAIR AND IT’S FAIR TO THOSE WHO ARE UNFAIR—those with the UNFAIR ADVANTAGE. If you can read the above story with an open mind, it will change your thinking about 2017. The above article contains so many insights but I will just pick One to deliberate on.

We all are in search for OPPORTUNITIES. At the sight of any possible opportunity, great crowd flow in the direction of the opportunity but we end up ignored by it and we complain of the unfairness of life but we forget that opportunities gives attention to the PREPARED.

JESUS— which could be seen as an OPPORTUNITY— came into a city and the crowd followed him but none caught his attention but a notorious sinner did. What really did this notorious sinner do? HE SIMPLY RAN AHEAD OF TIME, HE SAW THE FUTURE, RAN INTO IT AND POSITIONED HIMSELF WHERE ALL THE FUTURE OPPORTUNITY WILL MEET HIM… this is a whole article that will be posted at my blog soonest…Am not surprised the wealth of the nations are in the hands of sinners because they are put on attitude of ZACCHAEUS.

2017 is here and we have started running with it as it goes round TIME. How many of us have ran ahead of time and found our Sycamore tree to sit and wait for THE OPPORTUNITY.


The Power Of Your Idea


Just recently, precisely of Sunday night, two female suicide bombers blew up themselves up in an attempt to invade Maiduguri. Even though they both died and some people were injured, they deep question is: “WHY WILL A HUMAN BE READY TO KILL HIS/HER SELFJUST TO FULFILL A SECT’S MANDATE?” “WHAT DO THEY SEE BEYOND DEATH THAT GIVES THEM THE BOLDNESS TO TERMINATE THEIR LIVES”.

Taking it from the positive, why were the Disciples of Christ ready to be killed just to preach the gospel? What sustained Stephen to give up his life to be stoned to death? … This question goes on and on.

The answer to these questions lies in THE POWER OF AN IDEA. These Men were COOKED in a furnace of a particular idea. They were soaked in a particular idea until THEY WERE THE IDEA. They were showed the benefits of the idea and trained never to look away from it to the point they didn’t care of the consequences of going towards the benefits.

Even though various authorities tried to STOP THE IDEA, it was impossible because an idea cannot be killed. A Victim of an idea can be killed but the idea will always find expression in the lives on the living. An idea cannot be punished. In an attempt to do, the Victim of the idea will suffer for it. The Only way to eliminate an idea is to REPLACE IT WITH A BETTER ONE .

The 21th Century has DECLARED SOME GROUP OF MEN WANTED. These Humans are Leaders who would CREATE BETTER ideas. They wouldn’t get excited at the CREATION of a better idea, they would take a step further to MAP OUT Strategies on how to successfully replace the bold ideas with the new ones. The strategies wouldn’t be the old tools imported from the INDUSTRIAL AGE but new furnished tools specifically made to be used in the 21th Century—THE INFORMATION AGE.

Ideas are so powerful. They are the bedrock of every religion, society, political party, constitution, age. Any System that isn’t working shows that the foundation (ideas) used for construction is faulty. It would need new ideas to create a new system that works…..

Deeper Life Finally Completes The 4th Largest Auditorium In The World

Deeper Life Bible Church has finally completed its headquarters church valued at over N5 billion ($11 million) in Gbagada.
The 30,000 capacity church project had gone on for about 13 years managed by Cappa and D’alberto.
The project which was initially scheduled to last 8 years had been billed for completion in 2012 but the church suffered some setbacks. It is now the 4th largest completed church auditorium in the world. 


Nigeria presently has a plethora of mega church buildings under construction, all of which rank among the largest in the world. The MFM Temple with a capacity of 500,000, Faith Theatre which is 100,000, Salvation Ministries-90,000, The Great Tabernacle of The Apostolic Faith Mission-75,000 and The Lords Garden of Dunamis International Christian Centre-70,000 are all under construction and are billed to be the five largest auditoria in the world in that order when completed. 


Deeper Life Church has built numerous secondary schools, a newly completed university recently approved and also constructing a 130,000 capacity conference centre (Deeper Life Conference Centre) at the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway. 


Why Are You Here?


One of the most difficult questions to answer is this: WHY ARE YOU HERE? Most of us have not really paid attention to this question and that’s why we have lived our lives as if it’s an ‘obligation’. Take some time and ask yourself: Why am I here? Why was I Created?

For most of us, our lives are very predictable. This is the way we have programmed to live: WE ARE GIVEN BIRTH TO, WE START SCHOOL, PROGRESS IN SCHOOL LIFE TILL WE GET A DEGREE, LOOK FOR A JOB THAT PAYS WELL, LOOK FOR A LIFE PARTNER, GIVE BIRTH TO CHILDREN, PROBABLY RETIRE, SEE GRANDCHILDREN AND DIE. Hope I am right or did I miss any event?

If your life is just centered on these above events, then, I am sorry to tell you that YOU HAVEN’T DISCOVERED WHY YOU WERE HERE. The above events ought to be the EFFECT of living and not the CAUSE of living. Join me tomorrow as we look dip into this topic.

The Power Of Your Mind


One morning, all the employees in a factory got to work and saw a notice written on the notice board:

“Yesterday, the person who had been hindering your promotion in this company passed away. You are invited to join in the funeral.”

Who could it be? They were sad for the death of one of their colleagues.
Afterwards, one-by-one they gathered at the grave side, mainly, to know who exactly the man was.

‘Well, at least the man who had been delaying my progress is dead now and I will be able to progress’. These and many more were their thoughts.

One by one the thrilled employees got closer to the coffin but when they looked inside it they were speechless. They stood, shocked, in silence for what they saw. There was a mirror inside the coffin and everyone who looked inside could only see him/herself reflected in the mirror.

There was a sign next to the mirror that read:

“There is only one person who is capable to set limits to your progress…It is YOU – your SELF.
You are the only force who could influence your happiness, success and realizations”

Your life does not change when your boss, friend or company changes…..your life changes when YOU change… You go beyond your limiting beliefs as you realize that YOU are the major determining factor of your life. It’s the way YOU face life that makes the difference!

When an egg is broken from the outside…life ends. But if an egg is broken from the inside, life begins. Great things always begin from inside of us and never from the outside.

Get to work now. Begin to change your life from the inside today.

*Do something new today, and your life will become new*

Remaining Relevant In Changing Times



“The world doesn’t remember your past excellence, they are simply interested in your current relevance”

Dear reader, take a critical look at your humble self. Are you a business man or a student? Are you currently at the top of your field or you are ‘just there’. What does the future hold for you? Five years from now, are you going to be relevant in your field or you would be dumped in a bin where ‘good old days memory are kept’? Would you be replace by a more productive and creative individualor will you be replaced by a Robot?
The reason NOKIA 1100 is no longer relevant is simple: It failed to meet up the demands of the present world. That simply means if you fail to meet up with the demands of the ever changing world, you will be left behind in history.Therefore, as Youths, we mustLEARN THE ACTS OF REMAINING RELEVANT IN THE MIDST OF THE CHANGES THE WORLD UNDERGOES.
Do well to drop your comments on this article.